Welcome To Seeking Real Truth MinistriesMarch 19, 2019 I am going through another transition, and will be refocusing on discipleship, obedience, grace in Jesus the Messiah, as a matter of will and choice of love for him. This site will undergo some changes. All great! Pray for me during this difficult time.
This site is a work of love by the founder, Mark John, who having been raised in a Christian environment went his separate way for several years. The Lord called him back to repentance and prompted him to read the entire bible in 25 days. It is his answer to the call of the Lord to do work that will advance the kingdom of heaven on earth. During that reading, the Lord revealed Mark John's sin to him. After that reading, Mark John was inspired to do it again - this time a little slower (45 days). This second reading the Lord revealed himself to Mark John in some very powerful ways. After the second reading, Mark John backslid into his sinful lifestyle once again for a few more months. At one point, he reached a period of utter despair. He reached out to public agencies and pastors for help. He reached out to his friends also (few though there were). At one point Mark John finally realized he was reaching out to the wrong crowd. In fact, he realized that he should not be reaching out to any crowd, but only to the Lord. This is when he began to change his prayers from self-serving prayers to Christ-serving prayers. The time from beginning the first read-through of the Bible until this realization was about eight months. Expecting an immediate answer but not getting it, Mark John continued to pray persistantly for the ability to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. After about a month, the Lord suddenly poured out his blessings on Mark John in amazing and wonderful ways. On this site you will find several features and stories about these blessings the Lord has abundantly bestowed upon him. In addition you will find a continually growing wealth of stories and features that will hopefully inspire you to begin a life of daily bible reading and a life of total reliance on the Father to give you not only understanding of his word, but also to give you everything you really need as well as the desires of your heart. We encourage you to take your time and read every page on this site and to return frequently to see what new features and content has been added. This site went live first in October 2004. By the end of November Mark John has heard from several people who have taken to heart the information and truth presented on this site, put it into practice in their lives, and have reaped incredible spiritual rewards. In one case a woman was about to go homeless, had a broken car, had no money to pay rent and repair her car, had expired tags on the car, expired insurance, and a little baby girl to look after. After discussing these things with Mark John praying with him, she read some of the pages on this site. One of the pages she read was "Proper Praying" (found under articles). A few days later she reported back that the repairs on her car were all recall items, there was a resource for her who would pay her tabs and insurance, and since her car repairs were free she was able to pay her rent and continue living in her home. She reported many other blessings as well, but the key was when she said, "I just prayed 'Father, if your will is for me to become homeless and lose everything, then may your will be done'." This is just one of the many who have taken to heart what is written here and applied it to their lives. The point is, if we commit ourselves to serving the Lord fully, and we truly renounce the ways of the world, the rewards we reap are just as God said in Malachi 3, "Test me in this and see if I won't open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so many blessings you won't have room enough for them." This site, then, provides encouragement and hints to learn how to truly seek after God's heart. As you can see, there are many main areas to go through on this site. Some are yet under construction and will be activated soon. The others have sub-areas underneath the main areas. This ministry has several goals and missions. Some of these cannot be accomplished without visitor support. So we have prepared ways of allowing you to support this site if you wish. Bear in mind that we do NOT want you to support us at the expense of your support of the church you are a member of (unless that church is teaching false doctrine, in which case we would prefer you send the money you would normally give them to us - we will put it to use to teach TRUTH). So please, visit all the areas on the site. There are many interesting articles under features and news. For those who are seeking or may not know Christ and our need to receive him, you will want to visit "The Gate", and follow the trail of articles there. We invite comments, suggestions, and other forms of feedback. You can go to Legal/Contact Us to find out how you can send us email. Coming soon is a fun and games area and a members area which will have exclusive content for subscribing members (subscriptions are not yet available). Another feature under development is to give you the ability to provide posted comments on specific articles, which will appear after the text of the article. The Lord has revealed much to Mark John, but nothing more that he will also reveal to you if you remain in his word and dedicate yourself to reading the bible completely and repetitively. We believe that if all who profess to be Christians would read their entire bibles at least twice each year, only then can there be true revival in the faith. This site provides resources and features to continually encourage you to do just that. Keep coming back, and please, don't stop here - go through the entire site. You just might find what you are looking for. May the Lord guide you as you seek a higher faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord guide you as you embark on a true quest for truth. Oh, by the way... If you find what you read here to be of use and/or would like to see more features, etc., how about clicking on "Donate" and sending a few dollars? This ministry will only grow with your support. Thanks for visiting. May God's blessings be yours. |